What is the price of Sobha Oakshire?
What is the price of Sobha Oakshire?
Sobha Oakshire starts from INR 4cr*
What is the location of Sobha Oakshire?
What is the location of Sobha Oakshire?
Sobha Oakshire is located on IVC Road, Devanahalli. A short drive from Blr Intl Airport.
What is the USP of Sobha Oakshire?
What is the USP of Sobha Oakshire?
Sobha Oakshire offers unique cottage-style and tudor architectural duplex houses with private terrace.
When is the completion of Sobha Oakshire?
When is the completion of Sobha Oakshire?
Sobha Oakshire will be ready by December of 2026 or earlier.
How can I book Sobha Okashire from abroad?
How can I book Sobha Okashire from abroad?
Our team will assist you with a Sobha Oakshire virtual visit, unit shortlisting and booking process online.